The Mysterious Case of React Cookie Conundrum: 2 Cookies with Same Name and Domain but Different Path and Data
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The Mysterious Case of React Cookie Conundrum: 2 Cookies with Same Name and Domain but Different Path and Data

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Are you a React developer struggling to understand why two cookies with the same name and domain are being set, but with different paths and data? Well, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of React cookies and uncover the secrets behind this seemingly bizarre behavior.

Understanding React Cookies

Before we dive into the mystery, let’s take a step back and understand how React cookies work. In a nutshell, cookies are small pieces of data stored on a user’s device by a web application. They can be used to store information such as login credentials, preferences, or even tracking data.

In React, cookies can be set using the `useCookie` hook provided by the `react-cookie` library. Here’s an example:

import { useCookie } from 'react-cookie';

function App() {
  const [cookie, setCookie] = useCookie('cookie-name', 'initial-value');

  const handleClick = () => {
    setCookie('cookie-name', 'new-value', { path: '/' });

  return (

Cookie value: {cookie}

); }

The Conundrum: 2 Cookies with Same Name and Domain but Different Path and Data

Now, let’s imagine we have a React application with two components: `Header` and `Footer`. Both components set a cookie with the same name, but with different paths and data.

import { useCookie } from 'react-cookie';

function Header() {
  const [headerCookie, setHeaderCookie] = useCookie('my-cookie', 'header-value', { path: '/header' });

  const handleClick = () => {
    setHeaderCookie('my-cookie', 'new-header-value', { path: '/header' });

  return (

Header Cookie value: {headerCookie}

); } function Footer() { const [footerCookie, setFooterCookie] = useCookie('my-cookie', 'footer-value', { path: '/footer' }); const handleClick = () => { setFooterCookie('my-cookie', 'new-footer-value', { path: '/footer' }); }; return (

Footer Cookie value: {footerCookie}

); }

What happens when we run this code? You’d expect only one cookie to be set, right? But, nope! Two cookies with the same name, `my-cookie`, are set, but with different paths and data.

The Reason Behind the Mystery

The reason for this behavior lies in how browsers handle cookies. When a cookie is set with a specific path, the browser stores it separately from cookies with the same name but different paths. This means that even though the cookies have the same name, they are treated as distinct entities by the browser.

Think of it like a file system. If you have two files with the same name in different directories, they are considered separate files. Similarly, cookies with the same name but different paths are treated as separate cookies.

Solving the Conundrum: Strategies for Handling Multiple Cookies

Now that we understand the reason behind the mystery, let’s explore some strategies for handling multiple cookies with the same name but different paths and data.

The simplest solution is to use unique cookie names for each component. This ensures that each cookie is stored separately and avoids any potential conflicts.

import { useCookie } from 'react-cookie';

function Header() {
  const [headerCookie, setHeaderCookie] = useCookie('header-cookie', 'header-value', { path: '/header' });

  const handleClick = () => {
    setHeaderCookie('header-cookie', 'new-header-value', { path: '/header' });

  return (

Header Cookie value: {headerCookie}

); } function Footer() { const [footerCookie, setFooterCookie] = useCookie('footer-cookie', 'footer-value', { path: '/footer' }); const handleClick = () => { setFooterCookie('footer-cookie', 'new-footer-value', { path: '/footer' }); }; return (

Footer Cookie value: {footerCookie}

); }

An alternative approach is to use a single cookie with multiple values. You can achieve this by storing the values as an object or an array and serializing it before setting the cookie.

import { useCookie } from 'react-cookie';

function App() {
  const [cookie, setCookie] = useCookie('my-cookie', {});

  const handleHeaderClick = () => {
    const updatedCookie = { ...cookie, headerValue: 'new-header-value' };
    setCookie('my-cookie', updatedCookie, { path: '/header' });

  const handleFooterClick = () => {
    const updatedCookie = { ...cookie, footerValue: 'new-footer-value' };
    setCookie('my-cookie', updatedCookie, { path: '/footer' });

  return (

Cookie value: {JSON.stringify(cookie)}

); }

If you’re dealing with complex cookie scenarios, consider using a cookie manager library like `js-cookie` or `react-cookies`. These libraries provide additional features and functionality for managing cookies, including support for multiple cookies with the same name but different paths and data.

Best Practices for Working with React Cookies

When working with React cookies, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure security, scalability, and maintainability.

  • Use secure cookies**: Always set the `secure` flag when setting a cookie to ensure it’s transmitted over a secure connection.
  • Use HTTP-only cookies**: Set the `httpOnly` flag to prevent JavaScript access to sensitive cookie data.
  • Use a unique cookie name**: Avoid using common cookie names that might be used by other applications or libraries.
  • Keep cookie values small**: Avoid storing large amounts of data in cookies to prevent performance issues.
  • Use a cookie manager library**: Consider using a cookie manager library to simplify cookie management and improve security.


In this article, we’ve explored the mysterious case of React cookies, where two cookies with the same name and domain are set, but with different paths and data. We’ve discussed the reasons behind this behavior and provided strategies for handling multiple cookies. By following best practices and using the right tools, you can effectively manage cookies in your React application and avoid common pitfalls.

Strategy Description
Use Unique Cookie Names Use distinct cookie names for each component to avoid conflicts.
Use a Single Cookie with Multiple Values Store multiple values in a single cookie using an object or array.
Use a Cookie Manager Library Utilize a cookie manager library for advanced cookie management features.

By understanding how React cookies work and following best practices, you can ensure a seamless and secure user experience in your React application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on the fascinating world of React Cookies!

What happens when two cookies with the same name and domain are set, but with different paths and data?

In this scenario, the browser will store both cookies, and when you try to access the cookie by its name, the browser will return all the cookies with that name. This can lead to unexpected behavior, as the cookie with the more specific path will override the other one. It’s like having two cookies with the same name, but each with its own secret recipe!

Can I set multiple cookies with the same name, but different paths?

Yes, you can! The browser will store multiple cookies with the same name, as long as their paths are different. This can be useful when you need to store different values for the same cookie depending on the path. Just remember, the cookie with the more specific path will take precedence.

How do I access the correct cookie when multiple cookies have the same name?

When accessing a cookie by its name, the browser will return an array of cookies with that name. You can then iterate through the array to find the cookie with the correct path. It’s like searching for the perfect cookie in a jar of many!

What if I want to delete a specific cookie with the same name, but different path?

To delete a specific cookie, you need to set a new cookie with the same name, path, and domain, but with an expiration date in the past. This will overwrite the existing cookie and effectively delete it. It’s like saying goodbye to an old friend!

Are there any security concerns when dealing with multiple cookies with the same name?

Yes, there are security concerns! When dealing with multiple cookies with the same name, you need to ensure that the cookie with the more specific path is not overridden by a malicious cookie. Always validate and sanitize user input to prevent cookie tampering. It’s like keeping your cookie jar safe from sneaky hands!

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